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Mr Simon C: Yet Another Programming Blog

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Umbraco Local Installation

  1. Go go and download the umbraco .zip file

  2. Extract the file to a location of your choice

  3. Download and install IIS Express (if not already installed in C:\Program Files\IIS or C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS)

  4. Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio Code

  5. Within VS Code, go to View, Extensions.

  6. Search for “IIS”

  7. Install “IIS Express” (by Warren Buckley)

  8. Click the “Reload” button in VS Code.

  9. When VS Code reopens, File, Open Folder - and choose the extracted location you chose earlier

  10. In VS Code, Press Ctrl+Shift+P type “IIS” and select “IIS Express: Start Website”

  11. Umbraco start screen will auto-open in your browser